Simon Aronson Simply Simon Pdf File
Simply Simon book Simon Aronson. Three talented magicians team up to share their fascinating thoughts and clever creations. Simon aronson simply simon pdf Simon aronson simply simon pdf. Free download as PDF File.pdf, Text file.txt. Of a memorized deck as an open index, Simply. I suggest starting with Simply Simon. Simon Aronson Simply Simon Pdf Creator. Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. Simon Aronson - Memorized. Simon aronson the aronson approach pdf pdf. Free download as PDF File.pdf, Text file.txt or read. 10Im happy to announce that Simon has posted my PDF.
My version fills up an entire 8-1/2 by 11' page! Simon's version shows 31 days for each month, which is unrealistic.
Being anal retentive, I like that. BTW, there is no need to print out the chart in 100% size for an 8 1/2' X 11' sheet of paper; shrink it to 66% and it is remarkably readable and properly sized for most Hallmark size cards. Experiment and get the percentage just right for your particular purpose. (That said, I understand the eyesight (or lack thereof) motivation for printing out this chart on a full size sheet of paper.) Best, Mike. Thanks Turk and Double J. Several folks have asked me about the Bicycle Card font and the original Excel file I put together.
You’ll either need to learn it from Bound to Please or read the free ebook we’re offering, Memories are Made of This. PLEASE NOTE: This item is a digital download,Gimmick not included.
The book is densely packed with solid material, and the great thing about all the memorized deck effects in this book is that they are stack-independent. This means that you can use any known stack to perform the effects. You are not locked into Aronson stack here. But be aware, none of the intricacies of the memorized pack are explained here. It is assumed that you know the stack.
If you want to replicate my full props you’ll need to get your own greeting card or zodiac designs, but the hard part (the chart) is now available to you. I hope you can make use of it.
Since Mergel has done the drudge work in preparing the charts for the Aronson stack, I’m offering them here. Anyone who uses a different memorized stack will need to prepare his own set of charts, but once the basic binary system is understood (and it’s not difficult) you can create a set in a few hours with a word processor. Let me first present Mergel’s charts and explain their use. Afterwards, I’ll offer some presentations I’ve played with to date. The Charts There are seven charts comprising the set.
Simon Aronson Stack
Art Decko is Simon's largest book ever.with eight sections that run the gamut of card magic: • On the Spot - impromptu effects with an ordinary, shuffled deck?
Like many 'puter nerds, I have papers all over my desk. This printout stands out because it is colorful. If someone asks, 'What is that'? I go into the birthday card spiel.
One of them simply sets forth all 52 cards, in order by suits. Mergel calls this the Full Chart, simply because it displays the full deck.
(Simon) To download pdf file of the Year-at-a-Glance Chart – This is not a trick (by itself). It’s a prop for Aronson stack practitioners that can be used in several effects that I’ve previously published. As my readers know, I’m enamored with the Birthday Book concept, popularized by Alex Elmsley, and I’ve come up with several variations. One change that I’m particularly proud of is my change from a small diary or date book to a one-page, year-at-a-glance calendar.
My version uses the correct number of days for each of the months. I am not explaining here how to use this chart. You can find the working in 'Simply Simon' and in Volume Two of his DVDs. I am posting the file here for those who may also need a larger version. Please let me know if there are any errors. Aronson: You are welcome to use this on your site if you deem it to be of value.
This prop makes the trick more portable (you can always carry one, folded up in your wallet) and makes the chart more innocent and deceptive, because everything is out in the open, to be seen all at once without any apparent pattern being noticed. I first published this idea as “The Calendar Card” in Simply Simon, and you can check there to learn the simple operation of this prop. Since then I’ve used it extensively, and have included two quite different presentations (with explanations) on Volume 2 of my DVDs (see, “The Calendar Card” and “Anytime Birthday Shopping”). The sidebar graphic displays a couple of uses to which I’ve put this chart. Because it’s a time-consuming task to construct the actual chart, a lot of people may possibly be missing out on what I think is an extremely strong effect. So, I’m presenting my chart (applied to the Aronson stack) here as a pdf download, in the hopes that more people will discover this versatile tool.
You’ll either need to learn it from Bound to Please or read the free ebook we’re offering, Memories are Made of This.
Click on the file name you want to upload to the forum. The only valid file types are doc, gif, jpg, pdf, rtf, txt, and zip. Unfortunately, we cannot upload Excel (xls) files here, so I had to convert my xls files to pdf. Excel is a great program for creating charts, etc. Turk Inner circle Portland, OR 3541 Posts.
My problem is that I am vision-impaired. I can't read the chart even with prescription lenses. So, for my own personal use, I re-entered all of the information into Microsoft Excel. I used a font that is very similar to the one on Bicycle cards. I then saved it as a PDF file so more folks can access it.
If the card is within the first 14 days of any month, there is an almost 40% chance that one of the magic cards will be be chosen. When this happens, there is no forcing, no handling, no nothing. You get a free ride without any effort on your part. I urge those who use the Aronson Stack to take another look at this one. This has a dynamite impact.
The wait is over. Now Simon has collected his latest creations, showcasing his unique brand of impossible card magic in a fifth giant book. Art Decko is a large (8.5' x 11') hardbound volume, full-color dust cover, black binding with silver lettering (matching Simon's previous four large books), containing over 325 pages! Art Decko is Simon's largest book ever.with eight sections that run the gamut of card magic: • On the Spot - impromptu effects with an ordinary, shuffled deck?
I used a font that is very similar to the one on Bicycle cards. I then saved it as a PDF file so more folks can access it. My version fills up an entire 8-1/2 by 11' page! Simon's version shows 31 days for each month, which is unrealistic.
Turk Inner circle Portland, OR 3541 Posts. MemDeck329, Thanks for the pdf file. The graphics are much more clear, crisp and sharp than the one on Simon's site. And, you made it accurate by only showing the cards for the actual days in each month.
Hey BustedFinger. That's a useful tip on the equals sign for the 10! Turk, take a look at the very bottom of this screen. Click on 'Browse' to the right of the attachment window.
It actually doesn’t play any role in the binary calculations, but it establishes and visually explains the organization of the cards that applies in all of the charts. It’s thus an extremely helpful aid to orient your spectator on how and where to quickly look for any particular card. The remaining six charts each look like a random hodge-podge of face up and face down cards, with the important caveat that the face up cards each occupy their same respective positions as is shown in the Full Chart. This makes it very easy for someone to quickly determine if a specific card is face up on a chart – without having to look through each and every face up card shown on that chart. For instance, if you want to quickly determine whether, say, the Five of Spades is face up on a particular chart, all you need to do is look at the third row down from the top (the Spades) and look at the fifth card from the left.
SIMPLY SIMON (1995). Simon’s biggest book to date, exploring classic themes such as the Birthday diary (with the full year Calendar Card), a hefty chapter on the memorized deck (including Simon’s essay on the Open Index, Past, Present and Future, and his famous Everybody’s Lazy).
Simply Simon is the third hardcover book by Simon Aronson, but it’s the favored volume by most memorized deck practitioners. This book has several of the most complex but amazing memorized deck principles fully explained. The trick “Everybody’s Lazy” is arguably the finest use of a memorized deck in print, and it’s here. So is “Past, Present, Future,” another card trick with an incredible plot line.
The PDF file shows which keyboard strokes will produce the graphics for the Clubs, Hearts, Spades, and Diamonds characters. When you are working with this font, it shows the CHSD suits in the color black. You will need to highlight the hearts and diamonds 'characters', and change the font color to red for those characters. It takes a little effort. After that you can cut and paste these characters anywhere. I made the PDF file so that EVERYONE can read it. Even though the Birthday/Calendar trick uses no cards higher than 43 (King of Spades), I went ahead and entered all 52 cards so I could cut and paste them into other documents.
I also noticed that there is no mention of using the equals sign to create the one-stroke '10' in the read-me pdf file. Another thing: If anyone is using this Card Character font in an excel spreadsheet, there is a way to set on 'Conditional Formatting' in your spreadsheet so that the cell will autmoatically change the font color to red for Diamonds and Hearts and leave it black for Clubs and Spades. It involves using a formula that looks at the right-most character of your text to determine if you have entered a [ character (for diamonds) or a { character for hearts. It's a little complicated to explain but I would be happy to do so if there is interest.
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Great stuff, thanks! MemDeck329, I appreciate you letting us use the Bicycle Font! It is very cool! I have already used it to create some interesting props! I was curious however, on your full page chart, why you did not use the one-stroke number '10'? When you are typing using the font, if you key in an equals sign (=), the font will print the number '10' exactly as the 10s are printed on the Bicycle cards. I think it looks much more consistent and makes all the card values take up the same amount of space.
The book is densely packed with solid material, and the great thing about all the memorized deck effects in this book is that they are stack-independent. Achtung baby super deluxe edition. This means that you can use any known stack to perform the effects.
Simply Simon eBook (Download) by Simply Simon is the third hardcover book by Simon Aronson, but it’s the favored volume by most memorized deck practitioners. This book has several of the most complex but amazing memorized deck principles fully explained. The trick “Everybody’s Lazy” is arguably the finest use of a memorized deck in print, and it’s here. So is “Past, Present, Future,” another card trick with an incredible plot line.
You are not locked into Aronson stack here. But be aware, none of the intricacies of the memorized pack are explained here. It is assumed that you know the stack.
To try to disguise the chart, I also made a Word document whereby all of the values are in black, and all of the suits are in the proper colors. My original posting shows 'splashes of red' all over the sheet. Looking over Simon Aronson's original offering, I see that he did the same thing, possibly for the same reason.
I like the concept of the Birthday Card or the Calendar Card Trick. You can download a small version of the chart (for free) from Simon Aronson's site: The download there is called 'Year-at-a-Glance Chart'. My problem is that I am vision-impaired. I can't read the chart even with prescription lenses. So, for my own personal use, I re-entered all of the information into Microsoft Excel.
Else, most people us Excel or its equivalent on Apple products. As you probably know the card pip symbols are available in the Symbols font. Lcwright1964 Special user Toronto 569 Posts.
In This Side Up, a spectator-signed card literally transforms into an Instruction card that has been in full sight the entire time. The triple prediction Point Spread will fool the most sophisticated mathematician – yet it’s entirely self-working.
This alone shows great mental prowess. Or, you can force the birthday card (using your favorite method), and continue the trick, as written. But, if the birthday card falls within the stack numbers 10 through 15 (6 cards), you have a minor miracle just waiting to happen. If this is the case, you can remove the deck and with, or without, false shuffles and cuts, spell directly to the chosen card.
Decomposed Eternal Order High Desert 11834 Posts. On 2009-11-30 02:56, MemDeck329 wrote: I like the concept of the Birthday Card or the Calendar Card Trick. You can download a small version of the chart (for free) from Simon Aronson's site: The download there is called 'Year-at-a-Glance Chart'.
My version uses the correct number of days for each of the months. I am not explaining here how to use this chart. You can find the working in 'Simply Simon' and in Volume Two of his DVDs. I am posting the file here for those who may also need a larger version. Please let me know if there are any errors. Aronson: You are welcome to use this on your site if you deem it to be of value.
Get To Know Us • Read more. • We're proud to let you. • Feel free to. • PENGUIN MAGIC is a. Shipping and Store Policies • Check out our low. • Take a look at our. • We're proud to have the strongest in all of magic.
I explain that due to advancing age, I have decided to try to improve my memory by memorizing the Hallmark-Approved Birthday Card Calendar, etc. I ask for a birthday date and call out the correct card while the printout is in their hands. They confirm that I am correct.
It will either be face down, or will show a bold 5♠. You don’t need to check anywhere else on that chart. On the pdf download, Mergel has intentionally omitted putting any titles or chart “numbers” on his actual charts, because he didn’t want to give any hints to spectators of any underlying systems (or foreclose or limit any particular presentations you may devise). But in fact the remaining six charts are specifically distinguishable, and you’ll need to be able to quickly identify each one when you present the effect.
Just wrote Simon about any PDFs of fate calendar being available. He answered no nor was the trick available as a separate purchase from his book. He makes the Birthday calendar available free on his website (unfortunately that link to the PDF was not working when I just checked ), but if you have Adobe Acrobat you might make copies to edit.
The wait is over. Now Simon has collected his latest creations, showcasing his unique brand of impossible card magic in a fifth giant book. Art Decko is a large (8.5' x 11') hardbound volume, full-color dust cover, black binding with silver lettering (matching Simon's previous four large books), containing over 325 pages!
JanForster Inner circle Germany. When not traveling. Frankly, I'm surprised there is not more interest in this effect. This can even be used 'stand-alone', without a deck of cards.
Simple Simon Tires
I am happy to send my Excel file to anyone, but without the correct font installed on YOUR system, it would look like garbage. Diabolik lovers game review. If you would like to install this font, click here: Enter the site, and click on the letter 'C', near the top of the page.
Simply Simon Book Simon Aronson
Binary Think-a-Card (Mergel Funsky) (written by Simon) To download pdf file of seven individual Binary Charts – Mergel Funsky excitedly told me that the idea for these charts suddenly came to him in his sleep. The basic mathematical idea underlying them is of ancient vintage, and has been used in many similar tricks, with playing cards, numbers and other variables. But Mergel was inspired to apply the concept to the memorized deck and to the Aronson stack specifically. I liked Mergel’s creativity, but I told him that these charts were only “half” an effect – and they are in need of another half to make the effect complete. These charts allow the performer to learn the identity of a playing card that is freely thought of by the spectator, but the effect clearly isn’t complete without a strong revelation of that card, that somehow ties into and justifies the use of these charts. Mergel replied that he had done the hard part, so it was up to me to come up with a viable presentation.