The Sims 3 Bin Folder Download
Best Answer: Hi there. I had this issue aswell and found a solution. What you do is go to the sims3 shortcut in your desktop and right click propertise, then go to (shortcut) next to general on the top. Now where it says target it will have a long code that is the bin file so just copy the whole thing and put it in the search bar to open. If that does not work then just copy the whole thing into the internet explorer or firefox and it will open the location. IFFFFF that does not work the in the electronic arts/the sims 3 folder go to tools on the top then folder options (it is at the bottom) then in the middle it will have SHOW HIDDEN FILES OR DONT SHOW HIDDEN FILES. Thats it, i think this will work for you as it worked for me:) link below is the picture for the part you need to copy in the shortcut.
You mention you've uninstalled the game – how did you do this? Did you delete/move all the game files, edit the registry and so on? See this FAQ for a step by step guide: This folder is under my documents: C: Users Eier Documents Electronic Arts The Sims 3 Downloads (some folders are in norwegian language). When i uninstalled i went into control panel and uninstalled the game there, after i had removed all CC and mods. The uninstall were not a problem. EDIT: I think i did edit the registry properly. I use Ccleaner to clean up some stuff on my PC.
Download The Sims 3 Full Version PC with Crack. Contoh C: Program Files The Sims 3 Game Bin; Klik kanan TS3.exe, lalu pilih Run as administrator. Mar 07, 2010 i am trying to download the thing for mod the sims. And it says i need to put the resource file thingy into the electronic arts/the sims 3/game/bin. I clicked on electronic arts and then the sims 3 but no 'game' folder that would lead 2 the 'bin' folder.
Use This Link for Downloading Tutorial: Sims 3 Complete Collection Download for Free & Play Tutorial: Sims 3 Download for Free & Play (Base Game Only) The consoles version for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and the mobile versions were released in 2010. This was an instant success which created a lot of fans for the series and the old veterans also were really happy with the new features.
Which 'download folder' do you mean, can you give us the complete path please? If this is in./Mods/Packages, it's weird but harmless – the game shouldn't read anything but.package files, it'll ignore every other kind of file that is in there.
Thanks for answers and questions which help me understand why these files are present. Looks like the problem is solved for now, i will just pray that i do not get error 12 when i install WA again.
Looking to get the full version of the game then go to the end and you will get what you are looking for. The Sims will age over time and eventually die; if you have taken Ambrosia or halted the aging process then they will come back from the dead or stop aging when you take the magic medicine. This lets you control up to 8 characters in a single household. The people you can control are from toddles to the elder Sims. The toddles will need to learn to walk, talk and the teenagers need to go to school and try to learn and they can even take part time jobs to help the family. Download Sims 3 full version free for PC from this page.
Have a family-friendly and very fun game with Sims III life simulation. Free game feature; more than million unique and amazing Sims that you can play; use everything to the characters from their personalities to their appearances.
• Please do not upload them to this site as nobody can interpret these anyway (beyond “your game crashed”). • For further information regarding what to do with these files, see • Some limited information on these crashes may be found with the. Please direct any questions on the use of this tool to the tool's comment page on.
The Sims characters are done very well and the animations and facial expressions shown on the characters are really good. So you want to get this, then just skip to the end and you will find the link to download Sims 3 for free is waiting for you. Sims 3 Free Download Sims 3 brings 11 new career choices for you to choose from and some of the careers split into two parts once you join them. Once you take up a job then your Sims will leave for work on the days scheduled for work and the time will be fast forwarded till the Sims returns back to home from work. Your performance on the job will be determined from various factors and if you are doing well then you will see your Sim being promoted. You also have skills about ten of them that you can learn in order to improve your Sims and these skills will be useful during your job as well.
If for example installed The Sims 3: University Life and want to install the The Sims 3: Island Paradise all you need to do is just use the The Island Paradise crack (crack your game once you have installed all the expansion you want) (but if it updates by itself you will need to find most recent crack) hope this helps. @Danielle, Sorry for the trouble That would be a problem If you have read some of my comments, you need to backup your game before you test some of the expansion packs mostly if you have purchased the game. Anyway If you downloaded and installed your base game via Origin here’s what you can do: Just copy the sims 3 ultimate fix in: C: Program Files (x86) Origin Games (Name of the Expansion or Base Game) Game Bin Instead of C: Program Files (x86) Electronic Arts (Name of the Expansion or Base Game) Game Bin Hope this helps.
IFFFFF that does not work the in the electronic arts/the sims 3 folder go to tools on the top then folder options (it is at the bottom) then in the middle it will have SHOW HIDDEN FILES OR DONT SHOW HIDDEN FILES. Thats it, i think this will work for you as it worked for me:) link below is the picture for the part you need to copy in the shortcut. Hope this helps:). • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. • You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM.
That is why we are late on posting it There are lots of available download you can find but they are not well seeded and full of leechers that is why we are here to provide what the gamerz want (fast and easy downloads) We are not the fastest but we are the safest thanks for trusting our site!!! Hi jen sorry for waiting Have you copied the most latest crack on your sims 3? Anyway you will need to use the most updated crack to make sims 3 work how many expansion pack you have installed in your game?
Patch your game It's absolutely important that you have the latest patch installed, otherwise you will not be able to install downloads from TSR or they won‘t behave as expected in game. Go to the Updates tab in the Game Launcher and patch your game from there. The downloaded files on TSR can be sims3packs, package files or zip files. In case you get a ZIP after download, use the built-in ZIP handling in the operating system to extract the Sims3Packs or packages from the archive(s). If you need more information on this, check this by Microsoft. Sims3packs Quick Installation Double-click the Sims3Pack you have downloaded and it will install into the game.
• You can only upload a photo or a video. • Video should be smaller than 600mb/5 minutes • Photo should be smaller than 5mb •.
Once installed into your game, it is not needed to keep files in this folder, however it may be good to do so should you want to re-install them. • There is a file contained within this folder that is named as your Origin email-address with the extension of '.bin' • This file contains information used by the in-game Store functionality. Exports • When you share or export something from your game (or export a world from CAW) the game creates a.sims3pack here. On starting the Launcher, it will assume you intend to upload these to The Exchange, however there is no need to do so.
• Contents -> Resources -> transgaming -> c_drive -> Program Files -> Electronic Arts -> Every expansion/ stuff pack has it’s own folder withing this installation folder. Base Game: [installation folder] Sims • World Adventure: [installation folder ] WorldAdventures • High End Loft Stuff: [installation folder ] HELS • Ambitions: [installation folder] Ambitions • Fast Lane: [installation folder] FastLane • Late Night: [installation folder] LateNight • Outdoor Living Stuff: [installation folder] OutdoorLivingStuff • etc.
We would ask that you whitelist us and allow ads to show. Sumotorrent search engine. Anyone using an Ad-blocker plugin will be forced to wait 180 seconds instead of 10 on the 'please wait' page.
VIP Membership For as little as $4.00 per month you can become a VIP member. This lets you use our service free of all ads and unlocks access to our popular Download Basket and Quick Download features.
If you delete this file, all your customized favorites will be gone. WorldPresets.ini • When you define “waypoints” in your game for the game camera (ctrl-5 through ctrl-9) this file holds the coordinates of those waypoints. Version.tag tslus.bin • Various housekeeping files for internal use by the game and the copy protection. Do not touch. Xcept_blah.bin xcept_blah.txt • A result of the game crashing. You can delete these files.
If you don't have that folder yet, follow the instructions below. Creating a Mods folder In the Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 folder, create a new folder and name it Mods. In this Mods folder create again a new folder and name it Packages. Download the resource.cfg file here: and place it in the Mods folder (not in the Packages folder). You can now place your downloaded package files in the Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages folder. We have detected that you are using an Ad-blocker plugin. This means our main source of income to cover bandwidth costs is blocked when you are using our free service.
Do NOT delete this file. If you do so, your store premium content will not work properly.
Custom Music • Here you can store music files that are played through the Custom radio channels of your Sims’ stereos. Note that these must be in.mp3 format, and cannot be VBR or higher than 320 kbps bit rate, so they must be fairly standard.
This means our main source of income to cover bandwidth costs is blocked when you are using our free service. We would ask that you whitelist us and allow ads to show. Anyone using an Ad-blocker plugin will be forced to wait 180 seconds instead of 10 on the 'please wait' page. VIP Membership For as little as $4.00 per month you can become a VIP member. This lets you use our service free of all ads and unlocks access to our popular Download Basket and Quick Download features.
Lets tackle your questions one by one. Watch the video tutorial around 4 Minutes you will find how.
• WARNING: corrupt or incompatible files here may crash or otherwise impact your game while it’s trying to play them! DCBackup • When installing.sims3pack files, the game stores copies of the items found in those files here. These copies are not normally used for gameplay, however when you use the game’s Export facility to share anything, the game will look in this folder to pack any non-standard content. If it can not find the item here, it will fall back on a standard EA replacement, even if the item itself is still installed in your game. • The game also generates a file called 'ccmerged' in this folder, when you install premium content from The Sims 3 Store.
The Sims 3 – Overview – Free Download – Compressed – Screenshots – PC – RIP – Specs – Torrent/uTorrent Type of game: Simulation PC Release Date: June 2, 2009 Developer/Publishers: Edge of Reality / Electronic Arts The Sims 3 (4.63 GB) game is the 3rd installment of Sims franchise. If you want to know more about the game, you can download its full version and allow the unlimited creative chances surprise you.
More details about this can be found here: DCCache • When installing from.sims3pack files, the game copies items into database files here. These databases are actually used in your game and loaded on startup. The.dbc files are ‘normal’ database files, the.ebc files are encrypted and used for EA Store items.
Contents of the 'Documents Electronic Arts The Sims 3' Folder This FAQ contains details regarding the various files created by the game into your personal Documents folder. Folders Collections • Since the 1.26 patch it is possible to organize your build/buy items into Collections so you can easily find all items that for example have an “Industrial” or “Gothic” style. This is where the game stores the information about your collections. ContentPatch • This is where the game puts patches for Store Content (EA Store only). CurrentGame.sims3 • These are the files your current game is playing from. When the game is closed, this folder will be empty. If it is not, it will be emptied on startup of the game.
Don’t put the obb file without folder because you need to provide the correct path. • Now you can run you The Sims 3 apk without any errors.
• You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. • You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB. • You can only upload a photo (png, jpg, jpeg) or a video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). • You can only upload a photo or a video. • Video should be smaller than 600mb/5 minutes • Photo should be smaller than 5mb •.
The ones stated below are EA standard. User file directory This is the folder where the games save your individual game data. You should backup these folders (and all subfolders) regularly. All important stuff is in a folder called TheSims3 (can be slightly different) Ever OS places this folder in a different place. If you see more then one possibility per OS, they all lead to the same place, it’s just different ways to get there.
Sims 3 PC download is available from this page for everyone to get. This one doesn’t need you to be a player of games to enjoy it as anyone who knows how to use a mouse can play and enjoy. A child can enjoy this or even a grandmother will enjoy it, as it appeals to people of all ages. Sims 3 free download can be taken from the link given at the end of this post. This might not look anything like the modern day shooters but it surely is much better compared to the previous version. You will need a good system if you want to enable all the graphical settings to make it look better. The day-night cycles, the blowing wind, cars moving on the streets make this a living neighborhood with all these things shown in very good details.
Failure to do so may cause your game to use old information so that the mods do not take (full) effect. DeviceConfig.log • Even though this is a log file, it seems to hold information for the game pertaining to your hardware setup. Delete this file if you want to force the game to re-evaluate your system. HiddenPackages.ini • This file contains the standard EA families and lots you see in Edit Town that have been set hidden by you.
That is why we are late on posting it There are lots of available download you can find but they are not well seeded and full of leechers that is why we are here to provide what the gamerz want (fast and easy downloads) We are not the fastest but we are the safest thanks for trusting our site!!! Hi jen sorry for waiting Have you copied the most latest crack on your sims 3? Anyway you will need to use the most updated crack to make sims 3 work how many expansion pack you have installed in your game?
Files CASPartCache.package compositorCache.package simCompositorCache.package • These are cache files to help speed up various operations in the game. You can delete them, but the game will need to re-create them and will consume extra resources while doing so.
This expansion pack (EP) also includes new items such as: -A juice(beer) keg stand -Juice(beer) pong -The return of Murphey beds as featured in Sims 2 Apartment Life -Text books for young adults -Ping pong table -Back packs/book bags -no babies. New features: -Make a bonfire -Paint a sim nude -Study -Bowl -Write/paint graffiti -Pour some juice(beer) -Teach -Protest -Take notes -Throw dorm party. We are really sorry for making you wait for this we have updated the link and now it is available for download Bryan, Thanks for complements we just want to make sure that you guys get the best download.
The Sims 3: University Life is the ninth expansion pack for The Sims 3 a 2009 simulation game following expansion. The game was rated T for Teen by the ESRB On December 29, 2012, confirming that it is official and has completed development. The Sims 3: University Life was officially announced in a live broadcast from The Sims developers on January 8, 2013. According to the trailer, the expansion pack will be released on March 5, 2013, the same release date as.
Best Answer: Hi there. I had this issue aswell and found a solution. What you do is go to the sims3 shortcut in your desktop and right click propertise, then go to (shortcut) next to general on the top. Now where it says target it will have a long code that is the bin file so just copy the whole thing and put it in the search bar to open. If that does not work then just copy the whole thing into the internet explorer or firefox and it will open the location.
If for example installed The Sims 3: University Life and want to install the The Sims 3: Island Paradise all you need to do is just use the The Island Paradise crack (crack your game once you have installed all the expansion you want) (but if it updates by itself you will need to find most recent crack) hope this helps. @Danielle, Sorry for the trouble That would be a problem If you have read some of my comments, you need to backup your game before you test some of the expansion packs mostly if you have purchased the game. Anyway If you downloaded and installed your base game via Origin here’s what you can do: Just copy the sims 3 ultimate fix in: C: Program Files (x86) Origin Games (Name of the Expansion or Base Game) Game Bin Instead of C: Program Files (x86) Electronic Arts (Name of the Expansion or Base Game) Game Bin Hope this helps.
The Sims 3 latest version v1.5.21 updated with lots of features. Download free The Sims 3 apk [v1.5.21] by click the button below of this page. You may also have from 5kapks. Screen Shorts of Android App v1.5.21 The Sims 3 V1.5.21 Apk Features Updated Latest Version Mod • Carry out all daily needs of characters • Get a job and move ahead on a career ladder • Explore new places • Also have many more. The Sims 3 v1.5.21 Requirements & Compatible Versions • Memory(Ram): 1 GB • Cpu: 1 ghz + • Android 2.3 [Ginger Bread] • Android 3.0/3.1/3.2 [Honeycomb] • Android 4.0 Ice [cream Sandwich] • Android 4.1 [Jelly Bean] • Android 4.4 [Kitkat] • Android 5.0 [Lollipop] • Android 6.0 [Marshmallow] • Tested Devices: Samsung S4,S5,S6,S7 and Samsung Note 4,Note 5. Here are some basic steps that you must follow to successful install The Sims 3 apk on you android device with data. • Go to your phone settings ->Security.