C33 Painting Study Guide

C33 Painting Contractors License study kit includes Trade, Law Business manuals, CD's, DVDs, Online practice test exams, Free app review, Under $340! C33 Painting Contractors License study kit includes Trade, Law Business manuals, CD's, DVDs, Online practice test exams, Free app review, Under $340! Painting and decorating this is a multiple. Contractors state license board license examination study guide.

Note: If there are any words that you don't understand use your dictionary or even an internet search to get it understood before moving on. How our Program Works: These practice exams do not contain the exact questions and answers that will appear on the contractor examination but has the subject matter that the board wants you to know in order to pass the state exam. Once you UNDERSTAND the subject matter, you can then answer any question correctly. The goal of the program is to familiarize you with the different subjects that will be included on the real exam.

Was wondering if anyone used a specific study guide to help them pass the test, and whether or not it was helpful to them. Download smadav terbaru 2018 pro full crack. From everything I have read and from my own personal experiences of getting my C-33 license there is a very slim chance of passing this test with out enrolling into some kind of contractor license school. When I went there were two tests.

Your exam begins with an electronic thumbprint for identification purposes, followed by a video on your testing computer before you see any of the exam questions. No personal calculators, cell phones, pagers or other electronic devices are permitted in the testing area. Paperwork Before you can be scheduled for your exam, you must go through an extensive admissions process with the CSLB. During this time, you will be required to fill out an application, provide proof of identity, select a business entity format, pay your license fees, and complete other paperwork. Preparing all of your paperwork requirements may seem like a difficult task, and it may seem hard to figure out where to start.

Also told us if we were unsure (on the legal) which answer to chose, pick the one that is most detrimental to the contractor.

At the end of the test you will be shown your score as a percentage as well as a list of all the questions you missed so that you can restudy that area and correct your mistakes. You can simply continue testing until you pass at a 95% passing rate; at that point you are ready to take, and pass, your exam. How the purchase works: Instantly upon completion of your purchase you'll land on your payment confirmation page where you'll be able to download your California C-33 Painting and Decorating Contractor FAST-PASS Practice Exam. In addition you'll receive an instant confirmation email with a link to download the exam again. A 'zipped' file will download to your computer and 'unzip' itself, presenting you with a folder with several items enclosed.

Hello, I'm new to this site and currently applying for my C-33 Painting and Decorating contractors' license in California state. Have 8 years field experience, gonna try my hands at starting my own company. Was wondering if anyone used a specific study guide to help them pass the test, and whether or not it was helpful to them. From everything I have read and from my own personal experiences of getting my C-33 license there is a very slim chance of passing this test with out enrolling into some kind of contractor license school. When I went there were two tests. One on law and the other on painting stuff. You might be able to pass the painting one from your experiences but the law one would get ya.

You have to learn the answers the cslb is looking for. Sometime its not what we know it is in the feild. The answer may not.be correct but the best possible answer given the choices.

The California Contractor License Exam is similar for all 43 classifications. There are two parts: a general knowledge portion for all contractors, and the trade portion for your specific classification: • The Law and Business portion (general knowledge) is a 3.5-hour, multiple-choice exam you take on a computer. It covers business management and construction law. The exam is given by the CSLB at various locations throughout California. • The Trade Portion is also a 3.5-hour, multiple-choice exam, but covers specific questions related to your trade. What To Bring To The Exam? Your appointment letter, valid ID and nothing else (everything you need to finish your test will be provided by the testing center).

In fact, we're so confident you'll pass the first time that we even pay for your bond fee the first year. Condensed Program: $495 (Value: $695) Do you already have your test date, or are you in a hurry?

Not to mention avoiding red tape, construction delays, late payments and lost projects. Charge More for Your Work and Time as a California Licensed Contractor. It’s no secret that licensed California contractors, like most legal business owners, earn higher wages and project fees than unlicensed construction workers do. About the Exam Information About The California Licensing Exam For C33 Trade. Do You Qualify?

One on law and the other on painting stuff. You might be able to pass the painting one from your experiences but the law one would get ya. I know its costs money to go to one of these schools but it's well worth it as they fill out everything and even get your bond for you. Most of all they give you the info you need to pass the test. Found some good resources from a technical bookstore in the area that specializes in construction literature. In terms of working for a contractor in the area, I'm already working part time and taking a couple of courses so I wouldn't want to overload myself.

No shipping cost, no downloading, iPAD accessible! Please note: This product only contains practice questions, not study content.

In California, there is a set of guidelines that have to be met before you can apply. First, you have to be at least 18 years of age and have had four years of construction experience within the last 10 years (or two years of work experience plus a four-year college degree). There are also certain guidelines about the amount of working capital you have to have on hand, as well as your ability to be bonded. For most of the people we work with, however, passing the California State Contractor’s License Exam is the biggest hurdle, and the one that prevents some construction professionals from taking the next step in their career. With our 100% guarantee and 99% success rate, there is no need to fear taking the next step into the rest of your life.

This is a multiple-choice examination with four choices per question. Some questions require mathematical computation. Examination questions are written to provide only one BEST answer and are NOT written as trick questions.

TESTING STRATEGY: There is no penalty for guessing. If you are unsure about a particular question, it is better to try to answer the question than to leave the question blank. Ample time is provided to answer all examination questions, so be sure to read each question and its four choices completely and carefully before selecting the BEST possible answer to the question. Trade Description: The work of a C33 decorating and painting contractor is to prepare the required surface using methods like scraping, sand blasting, as well as other means that are connected to the following: papers, paints, fabrics, textures, oils, driers, turpentine, varnishes, thinners, stains, shellacs, adhesives, waxes, water, materials that can be used, mixed and applied for the surfaces of the structures. Such methods can be utilized to decorate, protect, waterproof and fireproof these structures.

CA has to be of the worst states for illegal employees (and I don't just mean illegal individuals not from this country / albeit an issue ) I mean many operators / contractors that are not licensed, not bonded, not using workers compensation or paying employer taxes of any kind. To me thats the biggest issue in residential painting is MY LEGAL BID = 2600.00 ----- ILLEGAL BID 1200.00 Pretty hard to compete against a crew that doesn't pay license fees, taxes, etc. I would go to a contractor licensing school. Cause they will not only teach you the the laws but will teach you how to pass the test. Here is where I went good luck. I haven't used these ^^^ guys but did use a similar company and I am very grateful I did. The part about knowing 'how' to pass the test is important.


The nice thing is, pass the trade, you're passed so no need to retake it. I went back to do the legal and breezed through it. It was a totally different test, not at all what I was expecting. There were four other guys there to take just the legal and I was the first one done. Good for you for doing it legal, it may frustrate you when you see what unlicensed guys get away with, but it is a source of pride for those of us following the rules. Let us know how it goes.